Residents Endured Appalling Conditions at For-Profit Nursing Homes during the Pandemic, Congress Reports

Residents Endured Appalling Conditions at For-Profit Nursing Homes during the Pandemic, Congress Reports

For-Profit Nursing Home Neglect Amid Pandemic: Severe understaffing within for-profit nursing home chains led to poor care, nursing home neglect, and a negative impact on the health of residents. About 70% of nursing homes in the US are run by for-profit operators....
Nursing Home Staffing Shortages Prevent Philadelphia Hospitals from Discharging Patients to Facilities

Nursing Home Staffing Shortages Prevent Philadelphia Hospitals from Discharging Patients to Facilities

Nursing Home Staffing Shortages Prevent Philadelphia Hospitals from Discharging Patients to Facilities: The problem of assisted care understaffing came to the fore during January’s omicron COVID-19 surge as Philadelphia hospitals had nowhere to discharge their elderly...
PA Releases Details on Nursing Home Investigations

PA Releases Details on Nursing Home Investigations

PA Releases Details on Nursing Home Investigations: Following hundreds of investigations into Pennsylvania nursing homes this past October as a result of complaints of deficient care, understaffing, and policy flaws, the state released details of the inspections, says...