Resident Died from Sepsis: Pennsylvania Nursing Home Charged with Wrongful Death and Alleged Severe Neglect The Old Orchard Health Care Center in Pennsylvania’s Bethlehem Township has been accused of nursing home malpractice in the form of extreme negligence after a...
Pennsylvania Nurse Charged with Killing Two Nursing Home Residents and the Attempted Murder of a Third: The registered nurse charged with homicide and attempted murder has a history of alleged nursing home malpractice, investigators report. In a shocking incident of...
Pennsylvania Bill Seeks to Prevent Nursing Home Sexual Abuse: House Bill 2341, written by Rep. Robert Matzie, would require nursing homes to report residents who are convicted sex offenders. A new bill seeking to protect elderly residents from nursing home sexual...
Pennsylvania Nursing Home Reforms Discussed by Senate Democrats: On November 5, members of the Senate Democratic Policy Committee hosted a virtual public hearing on Pennsylvania nursing home reforms, according to Senator Katie Muth (D-...
PA Nursing Homes are Unprepared for Dementia Care Crisis The state gets a near-failing grade from experts and advocates based on its lack of preparedness for the coming boom in dementia care. Pennsylvania nursing homes will not be ready to handle an expected upsurge...